1st-7th Prayer Fair in Vestibule / Feria de Oración en el vestíbulo

4th-7th Mighty To Save Eucharist Adoration / Adoración

5th Ash Wednesday / Miércoles de Ceniza

7th Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

7th Stations of the Cross with Choir and Knights of Columbus

14th Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

14th Stations of the Cross with Deacon Friedlein

18th Evening of Eucharistic Revival

19th Parish Sacrament of Reconciliation / Servicio de Confesiones

21st Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

21st Stations of the Cross with Shadows by Youth Ministry

21st-22nd Retiro para Parejas
En St. Faustina
Invitado especial, Padre Sergio Serrano

26th Women’s Evening of Reflection
After 6:30 pm Mass - in Loreto hall
With Fr. Bruce Wren, LC

28th Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

28th Stations of the Cross with Deacon Friedlein

29 - La Sábana Santa (El Sudario de Turín)
9 am en St. Faustina
Presentado por Víctor Dominguez

31st Misión de Cuaresma
9 pm en St. Faustina
Invitado especial: Padre Jerónimo Espinosa


1st Lenten Parish Mission
6:00 pm In the Sanctuary
With Fr. Jerónimo Espinosa

4th Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

4th Stations of the Cross by Elementary Faith Formation

11th Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

11th Stations of the Cross with Choir and Knights of Columbus

13th Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos

17th Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Misa de la Cena del Señor (Bilingual / bilingüe)

18th Good Friday / Viernes Santo
7 Last Words
Stations of the Cross
Service of the Lord’s Passion
Servicio de la Pasión del Señor

19th Blessing of the Baskets / Bendición de las Canastas
Egg Hunt / Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua
Easter Vigil / Vigilia Pascual

20Th Easter / Domingo de Pascua