In the Church's Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest, it is Jesus who touches the sick to heal them from sin – and sometimes even from physical ailment. His cures were signs of the arrival of the Kingdom of God. The core message of his healing tells us of his plan to conquer sin and death by his dying and rising.

The Rite of Anointing tells us there is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death to receive the Sacrament. A careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient.

When the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given, the hoped-for effect is that, if it be God's will, the person be physically healed of illness. But even if there is no physical healing, the primary effect of the Sacrament is a spiritual healing by which the sick person receives the Holy Spirit's gift of peace and courage to deal with the difficulties that accompany serious illness or the frailty of old age.

When an emergency arises, contact 1-877-665-0421. A priest will be notified and return your call as soon as possible

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Jesus’ presence to members of our parish family who cannot attend Mass or receive Holy Communion.  To request to have Communion brought to you, contact:
Deacon Mike Mobley

Provides blessed shawls and lap blankets for those experiencing any cancer journey. As these shawls are made, members pray and ask for God's healing graces upon those who will receive them. Volunteers are welcome to join and share their talents; yarn donations are gladly accepted. Please email to request a prayer shawl or blanket for a loved one.
Mrs. Greenwell
Mrs. Martin -

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